We give you a proven methodology to confidently scale your company with more profit and less stress.

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I’m familiar with management systems for scaling companies, such as Scaling Up and EOS Traction, and have used these in my company. What I found both complementary and unique about Mentorley compared to these popular systems was its focus on the CEO’s perspective.
Mentorley is more of top-down approach, which allows a company leader to get out of the weeds and look at the big picture. I found it to be a strategic troubleshooting tool that helped me to identify and prioritize the most important issues to move our company forward.
Rocco Cortese
Co-president & Managing Director, Intersection
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As the CEO of a small company, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of alternatives I have to choose from to grow my business. Making these important decisions when there is so much uncertainty can be stressful, especially in my fast-paced, competitive environment.
Engaging in the Mentorley program was quite the eye-opening experience—the process allowed me to gain absolute clarity on root issues. Then I learned how to go about systematically eliminating those issues from my business. It provided me a framework for becoming clear and confident about the best direction to take my company. Probably the greatest personal value I got out of Mentorley was that my job as a CEO became more stress-free.
Frank Cowell
CEO, Digitopia


CEOlab enables CEO’s of scaleup companies to gain a unique strategic perspective about their companies and the best way to get them from where they are to where they want them to go. It shows CEO’s how to identify the most important challenges that are keeping their companies from reaching their full potential.
This track is not about improving blocking and tackling throughout your company. There are lots of other programs out there for that.
CEOlab gives CEO’s the tools and
guidance they require to gain clarity about the best path forward. So they can make critical decisions more quickly and move forward more confidently.
CEOlab combines an online mentoring platform with a practical toolkit for strategic troubleshooting and prioritization of company resources. It is a novel application of proprietary content and proven methodologies based on Lean management principles and practices to CEO-level business problem-solving..

Emerging from COVID-19
As we look toward the light at the end of the tunnel for Covid-19, every small company is now an emerging growth company. Emerging from a once-in-a-century crisis. Needing to grow.
But how do CEO’s determine the best path to take for their company to achieve profitable growth? Each company has unique strengths and challenges. And lots of options. Right now there’s little room for error.
This new program was designed specifically to address the situation CEO’s of small business face today. It applies the Lean principles and practices used in CEOlab™ to this new, widespread challenge: deciding which growth options to bet your company’s future on.

Lean Operating System
The Lean Operating System (LOS) institutionalizes a Lean philosophy throughout your entire organization. The same Lean principles and practices used in CEOlab™ can be applied to every area of your company to gain more efficiencies and effectiveness. The result is a management system that scales growth—profitably and predictably.
LOS improves the quality of work within departments, functional areas, and company processes. Business functions as diverse as product and service development, production, customer service, supply chain management—even marketing and sales—benefit from its application.
LOS provides a management system that aligns company functions to common company goals. It provides a way for CEO’s to drive development and continuous improvement across all aspects of their organizations.
Completion of the CEOlab track is a prerequisite to join the LOS track.
CEO’s of Scaleup Companies
It can be stressful to be the CEO of a scaleup company. Many big, important decisions to make but often only one person (the CEO) to make them.
An overwhelming number of alternatives for the best way to grow the company. Endless choices, each with its own possibilities and risks—both known and unknown. All happening in fast-paced and rapidly-changing competitive, market, and technology environment.
Does this sound like your world?
Our Mission
Reduce CEO Stress and Increase Clarity
CEO stress is just a symptom, not the core issue.
For most CEO’s of scaleup companies, stress is the result of not having access to a framework that provides clarity around the best path forward. Or the tools and guidance to make important decisions more quickly and move forward more confidently.
How We Do It
A Proven Framework to Scale Profitably
Mentorley is the place you can go to get the proven framework, tools, and guidance that CEO’s of scaleup companies are looking for to grow their businesses profitably.
It’s a service built upon decades of real-world experience mentoring CEO’s of companies like yours. You will learn and practice how to apply these time-tested tools to resolve your company’s most critical issues.
Our Process
Getting You from Here to There
Our CEO service is provided entirely online, which makes it accessible, convenient, and affordable. Plus, the small group format gives you the opportunity learn how other CEO’s of scaleup companies approach the types of issues you are facing.
Get CEO peer feedback on your won ideas to address your unique challenges. All delivered and guided by multi-time CEO’s that have been where you are now.
Our Programs
What You Want—When You Want It
You can choose one of several tracks that that best fit your company’s stage of development and critical challenges.
New groups start each month.